Why Learn How to Dance Hip-Hop?

For many people who enjoy hip-hop dancing, the reason to learn moves and to perfect them is very obvious indeed. Fans of hip-hop music simply love to dance in this highly stylised way. In fact, hip-hop dance draws on all sorts of different influences, from jazz and tap to street and break dancing. That said, for newcomers to the world of hip-hop, some of the terminology and approaches to learning can seem a little alien. After all, hip-hop dancers will often find their own groove even when they are dancing in unison with others. As such, if you are looking for dance classes which allow you some personal freedom to express yourself while still offering a good deal of structure, then there can be few better options than this style.

Why else should you consider hip-hop classes?

Great Exercise

All dance styles provide the opportunity to get the heart pumping and to move your body in a healthy way. With hip-hop, in particular, you will get plenty of aerobic exercise so that you feel like you have had a proper workout by the end of a 60-minute class. Because the music is so upbeat and the moves so much fun to do — even while you are still learning them — it rarely feels like hard work at all, though.

Improve Coordination

When you work on a few initial dance moves and break them down, they can seem quite easy. The more you progress with hip-hop moves, the more complex they get, however. As such, hip-hop classes will help you to improve your overall body coordination in a way that constantly presents new challenges so that you continue to get better without getting stuck in a rut of just performing the same few moves — unlike other dance styles. Either working solo or as part of a dance crew, your coordination should improve dramatically even with the space of a few weeks.

Mental Health

This is something that should not be underestimated about hip-hop dance classes. By signing up for one, you can often lift your levels of anxiety or deal with mood swings by releasing the natural endorphins in your body as a result of dancing. The mental concentration you need to perform hip-hop moves, as well as the physical activity itself, has proven itself to be extremely helpful in dealing with a wide range of mental health conditions.

Hip-Hop Is Cool

Finally, few other dance styles are nearly as cool as hip-hop. Not only will you be taking part in a fun activity but you will meet other, like-minded people who have the same outlook on life as you when you take part in a class.

About Me

Encouraging A Child With Musical Talent

I will freely confess that when I open my mouth to sing, the dog immediately goes into hiding. But that's okay, not everyone on this planet has musical talent. However, much to my surprise my daughter does, so I was quite confused about how to encourage her to take it further. I began this blog so that I could share my daughter's journey with other musical families. From finding a great singing coach to helping her prepare for talent auditions, my blog posts cover how you can support your child who has musical talent. After all, you never know if you have a future superstar performer living in your home.



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